Well, It has been nice milling around the house these past few months with little responsibility save showing up at work the next day, but like many good things, this too must come to an end. After battling with the much abhorred bannerweb system for a few days, Drexel finally saw it fit to add additional sections of some much-needed required classes. Like many things in my life, this schedule is also subject to change at any time, and for any reason whatsoever. Nevertheless, I give you my schedule for the Spring 2004. (Forgive the crude html - I can only work with what bannerweb gives me, though I did add links to the course description pages. Enjoy!)
Click Here For A Link To C0rk's Spring 2004 Schedule @ Drexel University
Some Interesting Picks:
TAX 353 Personal Income Taxes - I could have taken a political science class in this time slot titled Religion & Government In America, which would probably have been very enjoyable for me. However, as is the case with most of my decision-making processes, practicality reigned supreme. Despite my interest in the political science topic, taxes are something I should probably know more about than I do. It might assist my understanding of the tax process currently underway at work, while keeping me out of jail in the future.It's also worth mentioning that I will be at ISSI during most of the workweek not spent in class. Erin and I talked to our boss, Hal, and gave him a rough figure of around 15 hours a week. With my schedule laid out as it is, I will probably be able to squeeze in 16-24 hours in a week, rather than the low estimate. Budgeting time will be key to a successful school/work balance, but because my time at work is flexible and to a certain extent forgiving (since they're only really paying me for when I'm here), I imagine I will be able to manage this fairly well. Welcome to "the life".WRIT 304 Visions In Writing - I'll probably be finishing up my fine art electives faster than any other student in the history of IST. All IST students are required to not only complete the freshman Humanities Regiment along with certain special topics in COM and PHIL, but also accrue 9 additional credits in a humanities subject of their choosing. I get the impression that I am one of very few IST students who actually enjoys learning and practicing written communication. I'm also a big fan of Dr. Riggs who is teaching this course. I had him for HUM102 and HUM103, and I'm pretty sure that the man knows EVERYTHING, and has a great sense of humor too. Following all of his Monty Python and Firesign Theater references was a definite plus for me.
** There is a link to this schedule in the left hand toolbar under "links" for future reference **