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Sunday, August 22, 2004



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As you can see this website is full of http://patriciaarquettenudebt.tumblr.com>patricia arquette nude pictures and not just that... If you are here, that means you are one of those lucky people that get what they want... This is very simple right here and no explanation is required. You came here to stare at http://kimkardashiannudephotosps.tumblr.com>kim kardashian nude photos, right? Don't worry, you'll get your chance.

She is 29 years old and I think her attitude to that age is pretty optimistic... For instance, she doesn't think of that number as something really close to 30... Conversely, 29 is only a bit more than 25 so she probably thinks like that. But anyway, she looks much younger and the truth is when you see http://evetorresnudemf.tumblr.com>eve torres nude you start to think she is about 25 or something like that... Her soft skin and shapely legs make her look like a young female athlete. Nobody can be compared with that sexy woman.

Despite the fact that she is blond I wouldn't call her stupid... However, who am I trying to deceive... She is just not very good in thinking let's say that... No offence Jess.

I hope you are aware of that after watching http://oliviawildenuds.livejournal.com>olivia wilde nude there is a part of our review where we should describe the way she thinks and thus we need to review some of her personal quotes... Why is this so important? Because knowing what is going on in her head will give us many thoughts on what kind of person she really is. It is not that important how she looks... In fact, this applies not only to http://ashleytisdalebikininx.tumblr.com>ashley tisdale bikini but to all of us... So please meet her first quote. "At school my boobs were bigger than all my friends' and I was hesitate to show them. But now, I feel they make my clothes look better. They're like an accessory." Well, for us, watching http://mariahcareysexyih.tumblr.com>mariah carey sexy means first of all checking out her boobs and then other goodies.

I wonder how much her school mates were jealous to her... of course I mean other girls because boys don't have to be jealous about that... All they care is who she dates and when their turn is going to be. I don't think she was popular in her school because most famous celebrities like Angelina Jolie or Lindsay Lohan were pretty shy there and there were some other girls who run the school. But if we compare them right now, I am sure it won't be a big surprise if those "school popular girls" are working as whores or something like that at this present moment... Remember, it is not about being popular in your high school as for your life. School is first of all a place for study and stuff like that... Let someone else be on that position and during that try to make your own path for your life... The study will end anyway, but life goes on and nobody will even remember that dude's or chick's name after graduating...

Speaking about http://lisarinnaplayboyjx.tumblr.com>lisa rinna playboy I totally forgot to say that they are natural and she doesn't have to make one of those stupid plastic surgeries... it is very cool.

And now I want to check some other quote of her... "My bra and underwear always have to match. I like that. I've collected a whole lot of sets. When a girl has on color underpants, she feels sexy." This is something every other man would love to hear... My dirties fantasy was watching http://jenniferlovehewittbikinijj.tumblr.com>jennifer love hewitt bikini standing right in front of me, but now all I want to see her is some pink bikinis... Sometimes it is better to watch some celebrities in their hot bikinis than without them... This is because if we are talking about for example http://shannonelizabethnakedbu.tumblr.com>shannon elizabeth naked then her forms and curvy parts can be better appreciated in some hot bikini... I said pink because I think she fits that color... But red is also a good option.

Unfortunately, as everything in this world this review has to end anyway... Besides I can't see endless post be interesting... I will see you tomorrow with some nice pictures of http://khloekardashiannakedmr.tumblr.com>khloe kardashian naked so don't miss them.

Don't be confused about whether you should watch http://evetorresnudemf.tumblr.com>eve torres nude or not. Why? Because if you do, it will be pretty hard for you to decide and you don't want to be in that kind of situation. Be confident and you'll be alright.

Here I have one quotation by http://gwenstefaninuderp.tumblr.com>gwen stefani nude that she said recently. "I've had secret lovers...I can keep some things quiet." We have no doubts that some lucky people were tapping her ass from time to time. Too bad we didn't have such things as her sex tapes or at least some rumors about having sex with them.

Watching all those fabulous pictures of http://jenniferlopezsexvideoxv.tumblr.com>jennifer lopez sex video has made me to cum in about a few minutes. I hope you know that before to make this review I was masturbating on all of those photos. This kind of job I have and don't judge me for that. We all have different kind of jobs. Anywho, I was trying to say that after cumming you don't want to see anything that's sexy. And that's why I thought you want to see one trivia about Jess. I was curious how come she can have that gorgeous and athletic body but it turns out that she is a former high school cheerleader. I know she is 29 and that was really long time ago, but that's the kind of fact I thought you should know. This was probably the main cause why Jess has so amazing forms, although she looks pretty curvy. I guess our baby likes to eat.

Oh my, don't be that surprised when you see all these http://joannakrupaplayboyng.tumblr.com>joanna krupa playboy because they are quite easily to get. I have some of them right here.

I hope you love her as much as I am, but even if that's not how it is, I think this quote won't hurt at all. "Curves are better. I don't get the whole rail thing." That's right, it is better to curvy and sexy than skinny. She is a bit fat but that only gives her extra sexuality. Plus, can you imagine that kind of big boobs on skinny body? I don't think you can.

The other day I have read one comment from my constant reader. He said to me that just giving celebrity nude photos is not enough, although he thanked me for that opportunity to see the best female known women naked. I am very frustrated from that comment but he was right... Therefore I thought it would be nice to place here something else besides those marvelous photos of http://natalieportmansexsceneji.tumblr.com>natalie portman sex scene. Well, for those of you that think this fellow was right I have to say that she has recently discovered that she is allergic to cheese. That should make you have one thought. Has she ever eaten cheese before? Or maybe she has, but every time after that she felt dizzy and vomit. But I guess the lack of brains in http://kellybrooknudeeo.tumblr.com>kelly brook nude's head has played its role, doesn't it?

Anyway, it is time to say goodbye so see ya'll later pals.

I have quite enough photos of http://kateesackhoffnudecx.tumblr.com>katee sackhoff nude right here, so don't miss them. You don't want to be one of those looser that can't find a damn pic of her, don't you?

To be honest, I have to admit that despite all those rumors and facts that Jess is stupid blond, I still believe she is not helpless. Here is a quote from her "My bra and underwear always have to match. I love this." Depsite she claims that, I wouldn't believe her on this. She can tell whatever she wants but where are those proves? How come we can check she wears the same color pants and bra?

It is not a secret that people love to know some rumors and trivia about their favorite celebrities. But have you asked yourself why? Anyway, the point is to know something else besides just watching those pics of http://chelseahandlersexea.tumblr.com>chelsea handler sex. That is why I have collected some very solid information and there is a fact regarding her natural hairs color. To be more precise, http://haydenpanettierehotuk.tumblr.com>hayden panettiere hot has stated her natural hair color is brown. When I knew that, I was going to puke because I imagined her with that kind of color and she was totally not sexy at all. I am telling you, if you don't believe me then try that by yourself. She looks kind of ugly. That's why I think being a blond (although as we just knew this is not her natural) has made her so popular and desirable. But unfortunately, blonds are stupid which is exactly what she is.

Do you remember my reviews? Of course you do. My writing style is very basic and simple. This is exactly what people need as nobody wants some complex words to read especially if you come to see at http://keeleyhazellpornyw.tumblr.com>keeley hazell porn that you can find on this website.

I am very happy to announce this pretty funny quote about http://sarahmichellegellarnakedvg.tumblr.com>sarah michelle gellar naked. "I love to hug - fans, friends and family alike" I wish I could hug http://trishstratussexss.tumblr.com>trish stratus sex because this is my biggest dream. But seriously, I like the fact that she likes hugging, however her bodyguards won't let her do that pretty often. People who don't just shake your hand when they're happy to see you, that's the kind of people are very natural, won't lie to you and they are sincere in their desire to hug you...

Most people from country do that and Jess is one of them, so remember that.

One interesting thing I have just recognized about that Jess has a Mercedes Benz SL500. That is a one nice car out there and she can be proud of herself while driving it. I mean I would. This is not a girls' car. In fact, I think that baby should only a man ride. But anyway, I am very happy she has that vehicle in her garage. I hope she will get sometimes a new one. It is just I want to write her a letter to refuse from SL500 and give it to me, but I don't think she can agree somehow.

Today you will see http://ewanmcgregornakedao.tumblr.com>ewan mcgregor naked and something else that will entertain you a lot. Don't thank me as this is what I get pay for. Plus, knowing that you made a few people a bit happier is kind of great and worth more than just money.

Would you like to read this quote from her? Oh, it is too late, here it goes. "I had doors slammed in my face as a 14-year-old because my boobs were too big."- said http://jessicabielsexsceneek.tumblr.com>jessica biel sex scene while she was auditioning for curvaceous Christian pop star. This wasn't surprising much as I can imagine what kind of boobs she had while she was only 14. Just look at http://shakirabikinieu.tumblr.com>shakira bikini now and you will be amazed for sure. This girl was eating a lot of beans I guess or the fact that she lived not in the city where air is dirty has played its own role and brought its benefits. I believe in those things and there are probably many that kind of girls who have bit tits and live in some village out there and they should understand me saying that.

Of course, many people are jealous to her because of that big breast, but they should know that it was very hard for her to drag those babies when she was younger. In fact I can bet that she still has some problems with her back. It just bends under the weight of her babies and there is nothing to do.


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  • Howard Zinn: A People's History of the United States

    Howard Zinn: A People's History of the United States
    Some might call it revisionist history, but I call it another important angle. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE should read this book. Howard Zinn provides a view of history taken from the notoriously neglected perspective of the people. (*****)

  • Dan Brown: The Da Vinci Code

    Dan Brown: The Da Vinci Code
    I think I enjoyed this a 'little' less than Angels & Demons, the canned and predictable nature of Dan Brown's novels are beginning to wear on me. Instead of taking the book in new directions as different "codes" are broken, the story doesn't seem to develop twists, or at least not interesting ones. Actually I found the progression more frustrating... In a BAD way. Dan Brown's books were fun but I don't think I'll be rushing to read any more. The Da Vinci Code was slightly less ridiculous, towards the end, than A&D, though more disappointing. (**)

  • Bill Maher: When You Ride Alone You Ride with Bin Laden: What the Government Should be Telling Us to Help Fight the War on Terrorism

    Bill Maher: When You Ride Alone You Ride with Bin Laden: What the Government Should be Telling Us to Help Fight the War on Terrorism
    A balls out collection of opinions regarding the nation and its citizenry. Bill Maher has never been known for understating anything, and the same holds true in this short, yet poignant book. Love him or hate him, something in this book will make you laugh, and something else will ring resoundingly if even painfully, true. (*****)


  • : Jet Li's Hero

    Jet Li's Hero
    Hero seems unrestrained directorially leading to many great and equally weak moments. Fans of the genre should enjoy this, but do not go in expecting Crouching Tiger. The plot is not very compelling and confusing at that. Fight choreography is decent in some scenes, while fairly canned and unimaginative in others. Worth seeing for fans of such films, but unsatisfying overall. (***)

  • : Meet the Fockers

    Meet the Fockers
    A perfectly acceptable follow up to Meet the Parents. Somehow I just can't dislike Dustin Hoffman. Ben Stiller on the other hand tests my patience. I'm only thankful that he has become so type-cast that his staying power will be limited. This film was a more lewd than the first, and there is no shortage of cheap cracks and ridiculous situations. I went in expecting very little, but I was satisfied to get a few laughs. Big fans of the first film will enjoy this, while others won't be missing anything groundbreaking. (***)

  • : Darkness

    This movie makes little sense, and what sense it DOES make leaves way too many WTF? moments. The scare tactics employed in this film are repetitive and unimaginative -- Ominous silhouettes and fluctuating power get old after awhile. The scariest moment in the film was also ruined by crappy special effects. Plot twists are also attempted, but fail because they're too predictable. If you HAVE to see this movie, wait to rent it. (**)


  • : ReplayTV RTV5508 80-Hour Digital Video Recorder

    ReplayTV RTV5508 80-Hour Digital Video Recorder
    Similar to TiVo in function, ReplayTV offers extended features, beyond the function of your standard DVR. Specifically, Replay’s networkability allows the sharing of media files (including movies) across ones home network. DVArchive allows Replay owners to download and save video from their Replay, a feature restricted by the proprietary encoding used by TiVo. This was the big x-mas gift of 2004, I think my family will be thanking me in 2005.

  • : The Lord of the Rings - The Motion Picture Trilogy (Special Extended DVD Edition)

    The Lord of the Rings - The Motion Picture Trilogy (Special Extended DVD Edition)
    I’ve been biding my time for 3 years, waiting for this box set to be released. Finally, the full extended editions of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy are mine. This is an amazing epic trilogy brought to life, brilliantly by Peter Jackson. While I have yet to find the 18+ hours required to take in all content of the set, a preliminary sampling holds a great deal of promise. The packaging itself is wonderfully designed with textured tomes for each set of 4 DVDs constituting 1 of the 3 films. My sister purchased this set for me for xmas. I plan to enjoy it whole heartedly. (*****)

  • : Norton SystemWorks 2004 - AntiVirus, Utilities, Passwords, Cleansweep

    Norton SystemWorks 2004 - AntiVirus, Utilities, Passwords, Cleansweep
    Frankly, you can't argue much with FREE. So far so good, though it does slow down my startup time. Though I think maintaining a clean registry will have long term benefits. (**)


  • The Decemberists: Picaresque

    The Decemberists: Picaresque
    I downloaded this CD a few months back when I was on an Iron & Wine kick, and never took the time to listen. Some friends of mine recommended them recently, and boy am I pleased they did. Tracks from this album are now in frequent rotation among my 9,000. Thank you iTunes + iPod. Everyone should have a listen. I'll be interested to hear what you think. Although I have downloaded their entire catalog...I am left wanting more. (*****)

  • Tatu: 200 Km/H in the Wrong Lane

    Tatu: 200 Km/H in the Wrong Lane
    Shit! ... I Mean TOTAL shit... but fun shit. And NO of course I didn't pay for it. I may be an idiot but I sure as hell wouldn't pay for this shit. (*)

  • Snow Patrol: Final Straw

    Snow Patrol: Final Straw
    British Indie rockers... at times they have a sigur ros meets radiohead meets coldplay kind of thing going on...though it does get a little "poppy" at times. I enjoy most but not all of this album. Though the single "Run" appears to be growing in popularity among the mainstream... decent sounding track. (***)

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