Well, this story (lifted from here) is an urban legend. What makes urban legends so fascinating is that, though strange, they do not fall outside the realm of possibility or plausibility.
Maybe they should just tell them that sex is a sinful but necessary evil of man and to under no circumstances derive pleasure from such a heinously unholy act --- oh wait, they already do that. A material pleasure, that is trivial when compared to the glory of your one true god. Funny, that a great deal of people, who claim to see God, see him or her mid-coitus. Do I really need to mention with what regularity the lord's name is invoked during the act? Or maybe that sex was and is a major preoccupation of many modern and historical figures held in very high esteem by both the religious and the truly moral (though in theory not possible, take notice of the separation)? Oh, and by the way you can thank the human sexual condition for various aesthetic works, from poetry to sculpture. --- Ok, enough from me…Childless couple told to try sex
A German couple who went to a fertility clinic after eight years of marriage have found out why they are still childless - they weren't having sex.
The University Clinic of Lubek said they had never heard of a case like it after examining the couple who went to see them last month for fertility tests.
Doctors subjected them to a series of examinations and found they were both apparently fertile, and should have had no trouble conceiving.
A clinic spokesman said: "When we asked them how often they had had sex, they looked blank, and said: "What do you mean?".
"We are not talking retarded people here, but a couple who were brought up in a religious environment who were simply unaware, after eight years of marriage, of the physical requirements necessary to procreate."
The 30-year-old wife and her 36-year-old husband are now being given sex therapy lessons while the university clinic undertakes a study to try to find out if there are more couples with a similar lack of sex education.Conservatives abound – censure me with your (right) more than likely narrow-minded ridicule, formed around baseless assumptions about me, and an activity which you have little working knowledge of, and even less appreciation for. (sorry about ending a sentence with a preposition --- another one of those "necessary evils") Impugn the heathen for his remarks are nothing more than devilish tarradiddles aimed at paving the road for your trip into eternal hellfire.