Who in the?..... How in the?...... What in the?.... HUFF... HUFF... HUFF...... WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I present Exhibit A (click this link to read the story!!!)
I always thought it ironic that the Nobel Prize was named after the founder, Alfred Nobel, who invented dynamite. Though it appears that this irony continues... this time nominating persons whom make heavy use of dynamite and other weapons of mass.... I mean explosive agents integral to the extermination of "brown" people who are trying to protect that sweet, sweet oil that western nations so desperately want.... i mean NEED!!!!! NEED IT NOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!
... for those of you too lazy to read Exhibit A... GW Bush and Tony Blair have been nominated for Nobel Prizes.... Say it with me now... W-T-F?!?!?!?!?!?!
The nobel prize is an award given to someone who has achieve excellence in their profession... hense the nobel prize for physics or the nobel prize for chemestry or the nobel prize for biology. The nobel prize is not limited to the nobel peace prize as you suggest. It was mearly expanded to include peace from its original form.
Posted by: | Friday, January 30, 2004 at 03:26 PM
It was named after nobel for inventing dynamite because the invention of dynamite changed the face of the earth, not just in war but in every aspect imaginable. We could not build bridges or tunnels or highways without dynamite. Dynamite has been considered one of the greatest inventions of the modern world.
Posted by: | Friday, January 30, 2004 at 03:29 PM
It was named after nobel for inventing dynamite because the invention of dynamite changed the face of the earth, not just in war but in every aspect imaginable. We could not build bridges or tunnels or highways without dynamite. Dynamite has been considered one of the greatest inventions of the modern world.
Posted by: | Friday, January 30, 2004 at 03:29 PM
You don't know me, but I know someone who knows you...and that whole thing is, well, it's exactly how you put it. I'd say WTF pretty much covers it. Thanks for further evidence that leadership as we know it surely needs to change.
Posted by: Amanda | Wednesday, February 18, 2004 at 03:25 PM
Bush and Blair are nominees for the Nobel peace prize and you post WTF. I suppose you had no problem when Arafat, the man who invented modern day terrorism, was nominated for the prize.
You cannot have peace in the middle east as long as there are people like Hussein, who shot scud missles into israel during the first gulf war in an attempt to get muslim extremists involved,ruling nations capable of producing WMDs.
Saddam had over a decade to disarm and prove he had done so. He didn't. The so called "rush to war" was more like a slow crawl. I know you would rather believe Saddam was a misunderstood dictator who wasn't a threat but kept lying to UN inspectors out of pride. However, those who called Bush a liar, like Joe Wilson, have been discredited and our brave soldiers have found plenty of evidence that Saddam wasn't just a brutal dictator but he was a potential threat to that region as well as the US.
I know I know "Saddam didn't attack us, Bin Laden did." Do you honestly believe that Al Queda is the only terrorist group in the world who wants to see americans killed? Do you think for one minute that if Saddam had been allowed to remain in power that he wouldn't have eventually been able to aggressively continue his weapons programs that we know were still ongoing?
Because of our invasion, Quaddafi turned over all of his weapons programs and now we are learning that our so-called allies the French were up to their eyeballs in a corrupt arrangement with the UN and Saddam.
Nobody likes war and no president sends troops into harms way unless he believes it is for a just cause. The idea that this president sent in troops for oil is not only preposterous, it is a disgusting insult spewed from the mouths of hateful degenerates.
Blair and Bush were nominated beacuse their actions in Iraq and Afghanistan have shown the world that free loving nations led by strong leaders will not tolerate terrorism or those who support it. Helping to end terrorism is a most noble cause and a clear objective on the road to peace.
Posted by: Smtihd | Saturday, December 04, 2004 at 04:46 AM