Chaz needed pictures for his photography class. Since the Eagles weren't playing we decided to go to Independence Hall on Sunday. I don't think I've been there since 5th or 6th grade, and the only thing i remember about THAT trip (class trip) was Jonathan Balsham having 5 packs of cotton candy flavored bubble gum. Every member of our group chewed at least 7 pieces. It wasn't long before our mouths were blue and our tummy's aching. Anyway... (Check Out The Pics In the M0Bl0g...)
They built this big 'ol 'Independence' Museum thing that runs 2 city blocks. To visit Independence Hall one must first acquire a ticket from the park ranger in the museum 2 blocks from the actual Hall. Tickets in hand, you'll then be permitted to enter the Hall grounds through a security checkpoint. All other entrances are blocked by metal fencing, and are actively patrolled by park rangers. Now, park rangers do not intimidate me, but I think the security, besides being completely ineffective, really serves to show how our liberties and freedoms are all being stripped from us. Now, I've never been a big AMERICA YAY person, but I'm also not one to let absudities go by unnoticed. Watching a woman in a wheelchair be hoisted up so that she can be properly frisked before entering the grounds of a monument that exonerates freedom and liberty is, I'm sorry, LAUGH OUT LOUD ABSURD!!!
If the goal of terrorism is to strike FEAR into ones enemy, then never has there been a more effective and victorious act of terrorism than the events of September 11th. If you think that statement is insensitive, then you missed my point COMPLETLEY.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go heat up some Freedom-Bread Pizza.
(You'll probably hear more on this in the future, if John Ashcroft doesn't show up and ship me off to Guantanamo)