I've had a few hours to play around with the latest expansion pak for Medal of Honor Allied Assault (MOHAA), which some of you may know to be my favorite game of all time... up until this point. The first expansion pak Spearhead was well worth the $19.95 price tag, though I can't say I appreciate them bumping the price on Breakthrough up to $29.95. Nevertheless, after playing through a few levels, it would seem that they enhanced some graphical elements that might justify the inflated price, although I'm not sure if this is simply due to the fact that I upgraded my graphics card (ATI All-In-Wonder 9700 Pro).
After a few levels, I have to say that I am enjoying the game a great deal. The in-game objectives are appropriately challenging without being too frustrating, and the sound is superb as usual. I'll have more to say on this title as I have more time to play through it, though the level with the sinking Italian ship was really cool and trippy (see the screenshot above). I've had quite a bit on my plate lately; so gaming time has been cut short in the interest of more thought provoking activities... Though I'm sure the release of Max Payne 2 will bring with it a few sleepless nights.