I picked up HALO: Combat Evolved for the PC. It was released on Sept. 30th, and I managed to procure my copy last Friday... the 3rd. Some of you may know about this game from its wide popularity on the XBOX. XBOX owners have been singing its praises since the day it was released, and many say that it was the game that justified their XBOX purchase in the first place...
Microsoft bought the rights to the game so that anyone wishing to play it needed an XBOX. I've never been a big fan of consoles, so I sampled the game at Eric's house. I wasn't very impressed. It has always been my belief that First Person Shooters by nature are not attuned to the controls provided by most console systems. I found my short HALO gaming experience to be quite frustrating.
HALO for the PC isn't turning out much better. Storyline is somewhat fascinating, and the graphics are on par with today’s standards. Though I still feel like I am playing a console port. There is just something about the character models that just FEELS console. I can't quite explain it, and I'm not even going to try... when you've been around PC games and console ports long enough, you just become AWARE of things. A gaming sense I suppose.
In all fairness, I haven't played through a whole lot of the game yet, but what I have seen thus far is pretty repetitive and at some point downright boring, and I'm frankly sick of killing the same enemies over and over and over. I'm also not a big fan of the checkpoint system... F6 Quicksave Damn it!
halo rules bar nonoe you bitch
Posted by: | Wednesday, October 27, 2004 at 01:50 PM
fuck you and your pc bullshit
Posted by: | Wednesday, October 27, 2004 at 01:51 PM
Yo, even though Halo 2 just came out, halo is still #6 for fps. Halo wasnt meant for pc, it was built for xbox, and that what its good at, thats where it kicks ur ass.
Posted by: Tony | Tuesday, November 09, 2004 at 06:14 PM