I may get a great deal of hateful comments for this, but am I the only one who isn't just a "little" amused by the fact that Roy, from the illusionist duo Siegfried & Roy was attacked by a tiger during a show in Las Vegas? Now, I'm not saying that I am pleased that he is currently in critical condition, fighting for his life, but I just can't help but chuckle about this. I remember watching a special on Siegfried & Roy a few years back. The two live together on what amounts to a wild life refuge where they keep several tigers and other wild beasts as pets. Something like this was bound to happen sooner or later.
It's sort of like when Sharon Stone’s husband had his toe bitten off while trying to feed a komodo dragon. These are WILD ANIMALS if you keep them as pets, you can't expect not to have little mishaps. I'm not a big ANIMAL RIGHTS person; I think putting lipstick on rabbits indicates more with regards to someone sexual preference than the quality of the lipstick. Nevertheless, people who keep wild animals as pets and are attacked by them deserve to be laughed at because they are joking with themselves when they think they're not at risk, AND because the remaining 99.8% of us saw the punch line coming a mile away.
Does anyone else think Ace & Gary when you hear Siegfried & Roy?
that's what he gets for tapping a huge ass tiger on the nose with a microphone. no common sense.
Posted by: satans_girl | Monday, October 06, 2003 at 03:57 PM
uh horrible you nead drawing lessons.
I hate it
Posted by: Spirit | Tuesday, January 25, 2005 at 09:30 AM