That's right, its Monday Night Football time, and the Eagles season opener which will be kicking off in just about 3 hours. I'm pretty pumped to see them go up against the Bucks again. I originally thought I might be going to the game, but it became apparent that I wasn't early this afternoon. I'm a little disappointed, but hardly devastated. Though he's not the biggest football fan, Chaz is gonna come over later. We're gonna eat Buffalo Wings, drink some beers and watch the game. Hopefully I will have positive game results to report later on this evening. More on that after the game...
Some people have been expressing concern over my last post. I assure you all that I am mentally, fairly decent. I had quite a few introspective moments on Saturday night that made me feel at odds with the world. Either way I'm over it now, and in relatively high spirits. I spent Saturday night between Coffee Works and Palace discussing various issues with Jessica over countless cups of Joe. It was nice to see a new face, since Voorhees has become pretty desolate the last few weeks. Regardless, I think a good time was had by all, though I think I managed to creep Jess out on more than a few occasions on account of her soft-touch, as compared to my soul-less, heart-less, penchant for unfettered cruelty towards the world --- which is all meant in jest of course, or well… most… some of it. I guess my barbaric sense of humor can come off as overly caustic and hurtful at times... in-any-event, she said it was the most she's laughed in a long time... and I'm not that funny --- so go me!
The rest of my weekend was pretty bland. I saw The Order with Andrew and Merissa, and it almost caused me to loose all the Mexican food I had consumed not an hour prior in an involuntary personal protein spill. PLEASE think twice, no wait, three times before going to see this god-awful film. The concept for the film is GREAT but it cannot save the piss poor execution and seemingly mindless events that occur throughout. This movie has more blatant and poorly written 'filler' than anything I can remember. AVOID THIS FILM!!!
I also helped Andrew set-up his wireless network. Andrew just scored himself a top-of-the-line Alienware that SCREAMS!!! To say that I am jealous would be an understatement. Either way, we were both a little concerned when (after installing the wireless card), the system seemed to freeze up at the Alienware Splash screen. Andrew called Tech Support, and the operator thought removing the Network Card would solve the problem. After this didn't work, I asked Techie to run me through the BIOS resetting procedure for this particular MB. Resetting the BIOS fixed the problem immediately, and everyone was able to breath a little easier. Other than a minor hic-up the operation seems to have been a complete success. Must contain the urge to plunk down mucho $$$ for a new box. - BREATH!!!
It seems that my optimism paid off. I checked BANNERWeb this afternoon, and it pleases me to report that I received an 'A' in CS390D. For those of you that don't know, that’s Level 4 C++ Class. I didn't think I had a shot in hell of getting anything over a 'B', but I always seem to surprise myself. I still have two more grades coming in - one from the obnoxious air-head mentioned in a previous post, and the other for Computer Ethics. I would really like to make this a 4.0 term for me, but I just have this funny feeling that Computer Ethics is going to ruin it for me. Regardless, Computer Ethics class included some really interesting readings and classroom discussions. The Final Paper that I wrote, concerning the RIAA vs. File-Swappers, was also pretty well done, I feel.
I would write more, but I have some wings to eat and beer to drink and football to watch. If anyone wants to join, you know where to reach me.